
"...go and make disciples... baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit"

What is Baptism?

Overview of Baptism at Life Church

A public celebration of the forgiveness and hope you have found through Jesus Christ.

A public symbolic act denoting that your sin and guilt has been washed away; your past life atoned for, and a new “eternal” life begun.

A public sign of your desire and intention to follow God’s plan and purpose for your life.

When Jesus came bringing forgiveness and hope to the world, he instructed his disciples to go and make disciples... baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19). Here, Jesus used the cultural formality of His day to convey the glorious work of redemption. We continue the tradition.

Baptism Intro Class

If you'd like to take your next step and be Baptized, we ask you attend a short (30 minutes) intro class where we go over what it means to be Baptized from a Biblically rooted perspective. Sign up below and we'll send you more info about baptism and when our next Baptism class will take place.

Upcoming Baptism Events: